I am attempting to use boost asio for serial communication. I am currently working in Windows, but will eventually be moving the code into Linux. When ever I restart my computer data sent from the program is not what it should be (for example I send a null followed by a carriage return and get "00111111 10000011" in binary) and it is not consistent (multiple nulls yield different binary).
However, as soon as I use any other program to send any data to the serial port and run the program again it works perfectly. I think I must be missing something in the initialization of the port, but my research has not turned anything up.
Here is how I am opening the port:
// An IOService to get the socket to work
boost::asio::io_service *io;
// An acceptor for getting connections
boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::serial_port> port;
// Cnstructor Functions
void Defaults() {
io = new boost::asio::io_service();
// Set Default Commands
command.prefix = 170;
command.address = 3;
command.xDot[0] = 128;
command.xDot[1] = 128;
command.xDot[2] = 128;
command.throtle = 0;
command.button8 = 0;
command.button16 = 0;
command.checkSum = 131;
void Defaults(char * port, int baud) {
// Setup the serial port
port.reset(new boost::asio::serial_port(*io,port));
port->set_option( boost::asio::serial_port_base::baud_rate( baud ));
// This is for testing
printf("portTest: %i\n",(int)port->is_open());
port->write_some(boost::asio::buffer((void*)"\0", 1));
boost::asio::write(*port, boost::asio::buffer((void*)"\0", 1));
boost::asio::write(*port, boost::asio::buffer((void*)"\r", 1));
boost::asio::write(*port, boost::asio::buffer((void*)"\r", 1));
Edit: In an attempt to remove unrelated code I accidentally deleted the the line where I set the baud rate, I added it back. Also, I am checking the output with a null-modem and Docklight. Aside from the baud rate I am using all of the default serial settings specified for a boost serial port (I have also tried explicitly setting them with no effect).