
JavaScript setInterval and setTimeout

2019-08-22 17:05发布


The next code display the date every 1 sec and then stops.

(function() {
    var i = setInterval(function() {
        console.log(new Date());
    }, 1000);

    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 3000);


Wed Oct 24 2012 13:35:27 GMT+0200 (CEST)
Wed Oct 24 2012 13:35:28 GMT+0200 (CEST)
Wed Oct 24 2012 13:35:29 GMT+0200 (CEST)

But I don't know why Hi and Hola are displayed first. Also, why setTimeout is executed? It is not supposed that setInterval is executed every 1 sec and nothing else can be executed?. (Does the code above runs on the order in which it is written?) Thanks.


setTimeout as well as setInterval only register functions (callbacks) but then go straight to the next command.

Therefor Hi and Hola are printed before the first callbacks are called.

First callback will be that of setInterval after 1 sec, then again after 2 sec.. After 3 seconds setTimeout kicks in and clears setInterval.


The comments show the execution order

(function() {                           // 0 anonymous function is called inline

    var i = setInterval(function() {    // 1 setInterval **schedules** the function 
                                        //     parameter to be executed every second
        console.log(new Date()); 
    }, 1000);
    console.log("Hi");                  // 2 Display 'Hi' on console

    setTimeout(function() {             // 3 **Schedule** the function parameter to 
                                        //     execute after three seconds
    }, 3000);
    console.log("Hola");                // 4 Display 'Hola' on console

                                        // 5 Display date from setInterval function

                                        // 6 Display date from setInterval function

                                        // 7 Display date from setInterval function

                                        // 8 Cancel setInterval executed from 
                                        //     setTimeout function

Hope this clears up your confusion.


Everything out setTimeout() and setInterval() is executed anyway. It's not the sleep() PHP's method... sadly!

However, this link could be useful: http://www.phpied.com/sleep-in-javascript/



Those two events are asynchronous. They are queued/executed at the next available moment, not at the exact time "setTimeout" or "setInterval" is called.