I am using MVVM/Caliburn.Micro in a silverlight 5 project and I have a requirement to automatically change the text the user enters in a silverlight textbox to uppercase.
First, I thought I could just set the backing variable on the ViewModel to uppercase and the two way binding would change the text. That didn't work (though I believe it will if I use a lost focus event, but I cannot do that since I have other things I must do for KeyUp as well and attaching two events results in a xaml error)
Since that didn't work I tried calling a method on the KeyUp event. This technically works, but since it is replacing the text it puts the cursor back at the beginning, so the user ends up typing backwards.
This seems like fairly simple functionality - how do I transform the text a user types into uppercase? Am I missing something easy?
Here is my existing code. Xaml:
<TextBox x:Name="SomeName" cal:Message.Attach="[Event KeyUp] = [Action ConvertToUppercase($eventArgs)]" />
View Model:
public void ConvertToUppercase(System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
SomeName = _someName.ToUpper();
//Other code that doesn't concern uppercase
McAden put forth a nice generic solution. I also realized at about the same time that there was an alternate solution (just pass the textbox as a param to the uppercase method and move the cursor), so here is the code for that as well:
<TextBox x:Name="SomeName" cal:Message.Attach="[Event KeyUp] = [Action ConvertToUppercase($source, $eventArgs)]; [Event KeyDown] = [Action DoOtherStuffThatIsntQuestionSpecific($eventArgs)]" />
cs method:
public void ConvertToUppercase(TextBox textBox, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
//set our public property here again so the textbox sees the Caliburn.Micro INPC notification fired in the public setter
SomeName = _someName.ToUpper();
//move the cursor to the last so the user can keep typing
textBox.Select(SomeName.Length, 0);
and of course cs standard Caliburn.Micro property:
private String _someName = "";
public String SomeName
return _someName;
_someName = value;
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => SomeName);
Create a ToUpper EventTrigger as mentioned here. Also create another one for whatever otherfunctionality you're trying to accomplish. Add them both in xaml:
<TextBox Text="{Binding SomeName, Mode=TwoWay}">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="TextChanged">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="TextChanged">
EDIT: I've fully tested this solution using the following (NO code-behind is involved)
UpperCase Action:
public class UpperCaseAction : TriggerAction<TextBox>
protected override void Invoke(object parameter)
var selectionStart = AssociatedObject.SelectionStart;
var selectionLength = AssociatedObject.SelectionLength;
AssociatedObject.Text = AssociatedObject.Text.ToUpper();
AssociatedObject.SelectionStart = selectionStart;
AssociatedObject.SelectionLength = selectionLength;
Other Action:
public class OtherAction : TriggerAction<TextBox>
Random test = new Random();
protected override void Invoke(object parameter)
AssociatedObject.FontSize = test.Next(9, 13);
XAML namespaces (TestSL in this case being the namespace of my test project - use your namespace as appropriate):
XAML TextBox
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="LightGray" Width="300" Height="200">
<TextBox TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="10" Width="100">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="TextChanged">
<local:UpperCaseAction />
<i:EventTrigger EventName="TextChanged">
<local:OtherAction />
namespace MyProject.Converters
/// <summary>
/// A upper case converter for string values.
/// </summary>
public class UpperCaseConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
return ConvertToUpper(value);
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
return ConvertToUpper(value);
private string ConvertToUpper(object value)
if (value != null)
return value.ToString().ToUpper();
return null;
<!-- Converters -->
<conv:UpperCaseConverter x:Key="UpperCaseConverter"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding myText, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={StaticResource UpperCaseConverter}}" />