I'm currently making a facebook application and while investigating the (X)HTML source code for a message thread page to see if it was possible to link to specific messages within threads (apparently it's not), I encountered an HTML attribute that I cannot seem to find any information about. Some span elements on the page had a 'bindpoint' attribute that was set to various values (presumably element IDs). Here is an excerpt from the page source (I replaced some private info with Xs)
<div class="GBThreadMessageRow_Info">
<span class="GBThreadMessageRow_AuthorLink_Wrapper" bindpoint="authorLinkWrapper">
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=XXXXXXXXX" class="GBThreadMessageRow_AuthorLink">XXXXXXXX</a>
<span class="GBThreadMessageRow_Date">
April 8, 2010 at 10:13pm
<span bindpoint="branchLinkWrapper" class="GBThreadMessageRow_BranchLink"><a href="/ajax/messaging/composer.php?thread=XXXXX&msg_id=XXXXX&id=XXXXXX" rel="dialog-post">Reply</a></span>
<span bindpoint="reportLinkWrapper" class="GBThreadMessageRow_ReportLink"> • <a href="/ajax/report.php?content_type=9&cid=XXXXX&rid=XXXXX&cid2=XXXX&cid3=X&h=XXXXX" rel="dialog" class="action">Report</a></span>
I have never seen this attribute before and any information about it would be useful/helpful/interesting. Thanks!