Download large file in small chunks in C#

2019-01-15 21:46发布


I need to download some file which is more than 25 MB large, but my network only allow to request a file of 25 MB only.

I am using following code

  const long DefaultSize = 26214400;
    long Chunk = 26214400;
    long offset = 0;
    byte[] bytesInStream;
    public void Download(string url, string filename)
        long size = Size(url);
        int blocksize = Convert.ToInt32(size / DefaultSize);
        int remainder = Convert.ToInt32(size % DefaultSize);
        if (remainder > 0) { blocksize++; }

        FileStream fileStream = File.Create(@"D:\Download TEST\" + filename);
        for (int i = 0; i < blocksize; i++)
            if (i == blocksize - 1)
                Chunk = remainder;


            HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url);
            req.Method = "GET";
            req.AddRange(Convert.ToInt32(offset), Convert.ToInt32(Chunk+offset));
            HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
            // StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());

            using (Stream responseStream = resp.GetResponseStream())
                bytesInStream = new byte[Chunk];
                responseStream.Read(bytesInStream, 0, (int)bytesInStream.Length);
                // Use FileStream object to write to the specified file
                fileStream.Seek((int)offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                fileStream.Write(bytesInStream,0, bytesInStream.Length);
            offset += Chunk;


    public long Size(string url)
        System.Net.WebRequest req = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
        req.Method = "HEAD";
        System.Net.WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
        return resp.ContentLength;


It is properly writing content on disk but content is not working


You should check how much was read before write, something like this (and you don't need to remember the offset to seek, the seek is automatic when you write):

int read;
    read = responseStream.Read(bytesInStream, 0, (int)bytesInStream.Length);
    if (read > 0)
        fileStream.Write(bytesInStream, 0, read);
while(read > 0);


There is a similar SO questions that might help you Segmented C# file downloader


How to open multiple connections to download single file?

Also this code project article


Range is zero based and you should subtract 1 from upper bound.

request.Headers.Range = new System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue(offset, chunkSize + offset - 1);

I published correct code fragment at the following link:


Akka streams can help download file in small chunks from a System.IO.Stream using multithreading.

The Download method will append the bytes to the file starting with long fileStart. If the file does not exist, fileStart value must be 0.

using Akka.Actor;
using Akka.IO;
using Akka.Streams;
using Akka.Streams.Dsl;
using Akka.Streams.IO;

private static Sink<ByteString, Task<IOResult>> FileSink(string filename)
    return Flow.Create<ByteString>()
        .ToMaterialized(FileIO.ToFile(new FileInfo(filename), FileMode.Append), Keep.Right);

private async Task Download(string path, Uri uri, long fileStart)
    using (var system = ActorSystem.Create("system"))
    using (var materializer = system.Materializer())
       HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(uri) as HttpWebRequest;

       using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())
           Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream();

           await StreamConverters.FromInputStream(() => stream, chunkSize: 1024)
               .RunWith(FileSink(path), materializer);