Hi people I having a slight problem I looking for the simplest way of using a calendar control in MVC3 asp.net C#. I have played around with MVC3 C# could not get the calender control to work I tried to hand write the code but i failed. I tried to find for some ASP.net examples did not succeed. The way i want to use the calendar is, when a user clicks on a date he or she is able to input information and it gets stored within a database. Is this possible to do? if so are there any examples out there that i may have missed or code that you could start me off to create a fresh one. I have been at this for nearly 2 months and deleted many tries since they did not work.
Thank You
You could use a client side calendar. jQuery UI DatePicker is a good choice. It supports lots of functions including inline display.
Do you mind to use a jQuery plugin?
Give FullCalendar a try.
Then you can easily create an action to fill up the appointments as well to grab the new ones created by the user, every thing works with ajax calls, so in MVC is really easy to accomplish this.
Let me know if you have trouble using this.
Have you tried the Telerik ASP.NET MVC controls (they have a calendar of course)?
They are dual licensed (commercial license and GPL). They usually have pretty good controls and build it upon jQuery, so it's easy to understand and extend if you need to.