I have AWS setup for a unifi controller, I've been to access it with https://myserverip:8443, I bypass "This connection is note sucured" and use the controller normally
Now, I need to install and SSL certificate to get the hotspot payment system going.
I have a FQDN with GoDaddy so I created a subdomain
, that points to the elastic IP, I log on with
I bought the SSL certificate from GoDaddy, added the subdomain to that certificate.
I log on my AWS with SSH, generate my csr with the following command
cd /usr/lib/unifi
sudo java -jar lib/ace.jar new_cert unifi.mydomain.dom “My Company Name” City State CC*
Then I do
cd var/lib/unifi
more unifi_certificate.csr.pem
Once I get that I copy and paste it on GoDaddy, download the cert files, go back to AWS copy the files with filezilla to /usr/lib/unifi
Then I run the following command
sudo java -jar lib/ace.jar import_cert unifi_mydomain_com.crt bundlecert.crt
They import correctly, restart unifi service and reboot EC2
When I got to any of the above address I get the following
This site can’t provide a secure connection ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
I've tried different browsers, incognito mode, vpn, etc, I believe it's just a matter of SSL or my server