I am trying to make a pagination
as shown below by uploading images and adding them to a container by creating new div
with new id's
and giving class
as current
for the first page.
If I change to the new page I remove the active class to the current page and add it to the selected page.
I would like to know how do I remove all the inactive
pages which do not have class "current"
Here's my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var imagesPerPage = 4, pageNumber = 1;
function onAjaxSucceded(data) {
var pagesContainer = $('#pagesContainer'),
imagesInPage = 0,
divPage = $("#p1");
$.each(data.result, function(index, file) {
if (imagesInPage >= imagesPerPage) {
imagesInPage = 1;
pageNumber += 1;
divPage = $('<div/>', {id : "p" + pageNumber}).addClass('pagedemo').hide().appendTo(pagesContainer);
} else {
imagesInPage += 1;
var src = 'Uploads/' + file.name;
$('<img>', {src: src, href: src, "class": 'LoadclickImage', align: 'left'}).appendTo(divPage);
count: pageNumber,
start: 1,
display: Math.min(7, pageNumber),
border: true,
border_color: '#fff',
text_color: '#fff',
background_color: 'black',
border_hover_color: '#ccc',
text_hover_color: '#000',
background_hover_color: '#fff',
images: false,
mouse: 'press',
onChange: function(page) {
$('#paginationdemo ._current').removeClass('_current').hide();
$('#p' + page).addClass('_current').show();
var fakeAjaxData = {
result: [
{name: '../../../img/keys.png'},
{name: '../../../img/logo.png'},
{name: '../../../img/input-button-bg.png'},
{name: '../../../img/remove-resources.png'},
{name: '../../../img/logo.png'},
{name: '../../../img/input-button-bg.png'},
{name: '../../../img/remove-resources.png'},
{name: '../../../img/keys.png'},
{name: '../../../img/keys.png'},
{name: '../../../img/input-button-bg.png'},
{name: '../../../img/logo.png'},
{name: '../../../img/remove-resources.png'},
{name: '../../../img/keys.png'},
{name: '../../../img/keys.png'},
{name: '../../../img/input-button-bg.png'},
{name: '../../../img/logo.png'},
{name: '../../../img/remove-resources.png'},
{name: '../../../img/input-button-bg.png'},
{name: '../../../img/logo.png'},
$(function() {
Here's my demo
Instead of removing
class can anyone say me how do I remove all the pages and If I add again I need to add images from the 1st page.
as of now If I remove the pages it's adding from the last page it has added.
Excuse me if my tags are wrong.