I have this little nonsense script here which I am executing in MATLAB R2013b:
clear all;
n = 2000;
times = 50;
i = 0;
tCPU = tic;
disp 'CPU::'
A = rand(n, n);
B = rand(n, n);
disp '::Go'
for i = 0:times
CPU = A * B;
tCPU = toc(tCPU);
tGPU = tic;
disp 'GPU::'
A = gpuArray(A);
B = gpuArray(B);
disp '::Go'
for i = 0:times
GPU = A * B ;
tGPU = toc(tGPU);
fprintf('On CPU: %.2f sec\nOn GPU: %.2f sec\n', tCPU, tGPU);
Unfortunately after execution I receive a message from Windows saying: "Display driver stopped working and has recovered.".
Which I assume means that Windows did not get response from my graphic cards driver or something. The script returned without errors:
>> test
On CPU: 11.01 sec
On GPU: 2.97 sec
But no matter if the GPU runs out of memory or not, MATLAB is not able to use the GPU device before I restarted it. If I don't restart MATLAB I receive just a message from CUDA:
>> test
Warning: An unexpected error occurred during CUDA
execution. The CUDA error was:
> In test at 1
Warning: An unexpected error occurred during CUDA
execution. The CUDA error was:
> In test at 1
Warning: An unexpected error occurred during CUDA
execution. The CUDA error was:
> In test at 1
Warning: An unexpected error occurred during CUDA
execution. The CUDA error was:
> In test at 1
Error using gpuArray
An unexpected error occurred during CUDA execution.
The CUDA error was:
the launch timed out and was terminated
Error in test (line 21)
A = gpuArray(A);
Does anybody know how to avoid this issue or what I am doing wrong here?
If needed, my GPU Device:
>> gpuDevice
ans =
CUDADevice with properties:
Name: 'GeForce GTX 660M'
Index: 1
ComputeCapability: '3.0'
SupportsDouble: 1
DriverVersion: 6
ToolkitVersion: 5
MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024
MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152
MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]
MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]
SIMDWidth: 32
TotalMemory: 2.1475e+09
FreeMemory: 1.9037e+09
MultiprocessorCount: 2
ClockRateKHz: 950000
ComputeMode: 'Default'
GPUOverlapsTransfers: 1
KernelExecutionTimeout: 1
CanMapHostMemory: 1
DeviceSupported: 1
DeviceSelected: 1