Below command gives me count of files in a folder, I want the count of today's created/modified files in this folder, TIA.
set LocalFolder=D:\Myfolder
SET file_to_be_copied_Cnt=0
for %%o IN (%LocalFolder%/*.*) DO (
SET /A file_to_be_copied_Cnt=file_to_be_copied_Cnt + 1
echo %file_to_be_copied_Cnt%
What about this:
forfiles /P "%LocalFolder%" /M "*" /D +0 /C "cmd /C if @isdir==FALSE echo _" | find /C "_"
Or this if you want to include sub-directories:
forfiles /S /P "%LocalFolder%" /M "*" /D +0 /C "cmd /C if @isdir==FALSE echo _" | find /C "_"
How it works:
returns a _
character for each file modified today (/D +0
means modified on date of today or newer);
- the
query avoids directories to be regarded/counted;
counts (/C
) the amount of returned lines containing _
To assign the resulting number to a variable, use a for /F
for /F %%N in ('forfiles /P "%LocalFolder%" /M "*" /D +0 /C "cmd /C if @isdir==FALSE echo _" ^| find /C "_"') do set "NUMBER=%%N"
echo %NUMBER%
for /F %%N in ('forfiles /S /P "%LocalFolder%" /M "*" /D +0 /C "cmd /C if @isdir==FALSE echo _" ^| find /C "_"') do set "NUMBER=%%N"
echo %NUMBER%
Note the escaped pipe ^|
If you're not actually copying the files, just counting them, you could probably use this:
@Echo Off
Set "LocalFolder=D:\MyFolder"
Set "i=0"
For /F "Tokens=*" %%A In (
'RoboCopy "%LocalFolder%" Null /S /MaxAge:1 /L /XJ /NS /NC /NDL /NP /NJH /NJS'
) Do Set /A i+=1
Echo %i% files modified today
If you're also copying the files and need to know the number copied then you could probably use this:
@Echo Off
Set "SrcDir=D:\Projects"
Set "DstDir=E:\Backups"
Set "i=0"
For /F "Tokens=*" %%A In (
'RoboCopy "%SrcDir%" "DstDir" /S /MaxAge:1 /XJ /NS /NC /NDL /NP /NJH /NJS'
) Do Set /A i+=1
Echo %i% files copied