How to include AIC in table after margins postesti

2019-08-22 09:00发布


I have a GLM model, which I estimate in Stata. The coefficients of interest are the marginal effects, which I get with margins command.

However, the postestimation table does not include summary statistics like AIC, which I would like to have there.

I have tried this by writing an auxiliary program getAIC:

program getAIC
    estat ic
    matrix list r(S)
    matrix S = r(S)
    scalar aic = S[1,5]

The estimation would then proceed like this:

 qui glm y x, fa(bin) link(probit)
 qui margins, dydx(x) post
 estadd loc AIC aic

And the output command is:

 esttab using output.tex, s(aic, fmt(0))

However, I don't have AIC in the results table.

Any ideas how to do this?


You need to return the scalar aic from your program getAIC and use it accordingly.

The following works for me:

program getAIC, rclass
    estat ic
    matrix list r(S)
    matrix S = r(S)
    scalar aic = S[1,5]
    return scalar aic = aic

sysuse auto, clear

glm foreign price, fa(bin) link(probit)

local AIC = round(`r(aic)', .01)

margins, dydx(price) post

estadd local AIC `AIC'

esttab using output, s(AIC) replace

type output.txt

price          0.00000766   
AIC                 93.89   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

标签: stata