load fixture data for acceptance tests - Codecepti

2019-08-22 08:15发布


Hope Everyone is doing great.

I have a problem. I need to get my fixtures loaded in db before running acceptance test in codception in my Yii2 Application. here is teh detail for it.

Target: Load fixtures in database so that I can run acceptance tests on them.

Problem: Despite of my a at most efforts, I am still I am unable to achieve this affect

Here is the data that I got to share with you:

common\modules\myCustomModule\tests\acceptance\models\DashboardCest ```

class ResumeDashboardCest
    public function _before(AcceptanceTester $I)
            'country' => [
                'class' => CountryFixture::className(),
                'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'country_data.php',
            'region' => [
                'class' => RegionFixture::className(),
                'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'region_data.php',
            'city' => [
                'class' => CityFixture::className(),
                'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'city_data.php',
            'user_group' => [
                'class' => UserGroupFixture::className(),
                'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'user_group.php',
            'user' => [
                'class' => UserFixture::className(),
                'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'user.php',
            'status' => [
                'class' => StatusFixture::className(),
                'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'status_data.php',
            'resume' => [
                'class' => ResumeFixture::className(),
                'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'resume_data.php'
        //    initialize the module first

        // fill in the login page before performing my main test
        $I->amGoingTo("Login in My Application");

        $I->fillField('#loginform-username', 'admin');
        $I->fillField('#loginform-password', 'gulabmehak');

        $I->click('.btn-success'); // The login button
        $I->wait(3);    //  wait for 3 seconds meanwhile bakend processing is complete
        $I->dontSee('Incorrect username or password.');

    // my test function
    public function load_HomePage(AcceptanceTester $I)
        $I->amOnPage( Url::toRoute('/'.\Yii::$app->params['ModuleName'].'/resume/index') );

        $I->see(T::t('main', 'My Resumes'));
        $I->see(T::t('main', 'My Resumes'), 'ul.breadcrumb li.active');

Here is the fixture for country common\modules\myCustomModule\tests\fixtures\CountryFixture

class CountryFixture extends \yii\test\ActiveFixture
    public $modelClass = 'common\modules\location\models\Country';    // the model for this belongs to another module

    public function beforeLoad() {
        $this->db->createCommand()->setSql('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0')->execute();

    public function afterLoad() {
        $this->db->createCommand()->setSql('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1')->execute();

same goes for the rest of fixture files but I've eliminated them for ease.

Here is the data (fixture data) file: common\modules\myCustomModule\tests\data\country_data.php

return [
        'name' => 'Pakistan',
        'iso' => 'PK',
        'status' => 1,
        'name' => 'China',
        'iso' => 'CH',
        'status' => 1,
        'name' => 'United States of America',
        'iso' => 'US',
        'status' => 1,
        'name' => 'Saudi Arabia',
        'iso' => 'SA',
        'status' => 1,
        'name' => 'Japan',
        'iso' => 'JP',
        'status' => 1,

for just in case you need my configurations: common\modules\myCustomModule\tests\acceptance.suite.yml

class_name: AcceptanceTester
        - WebDriver
        - Yii2:
              [init, orm, fixtures]
          populate: false
          cleanup: false

            url: 'http://localhost/myProject/'
            browser: phantomjs
            window_size: 1920x1310
              webStorageEnabled: true

Codeception: 2.2.9 Yii2 application version: 2.0.12 composer: 1.4.2 Also I am using PhantomJs for testing

Please let me know of any questions. Stay Blessed.


Well I figured out a solution based on a thread I started at https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/issues/4099

I simply loaded fixtures in my acceptance test just like I do in mu unit tests

here is the method I placed inside my Cest file before _before() method

public function _fixtures()
    return [
        'country' => [
            'class' => CountryFixture::className(),
            'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'country_data.php',
        'region' => [
            'class' => RegionFixture::className(),
            'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'region_data.php',
        'city' => [
            'class' => CityFixture::className(),
            'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'city_data.php',
        'user_group' => [
            'class' => UserGroupFixture::className(),
            'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'user_group.php',
        'user' => [
            'class' => UserFixture::className(),
            'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'user.php',
        'status' => [
            'class' => StatusFixture::className(),
            'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'status_data.php',
        'resume' => [
            'class' => ResumeFixture::className(),
            'dataFile' => codecept_data_dir() . 'resume_data.php'

Funny thing is I cannot see the fixtures getting loading in my database but what I can do here is check in my cest file to know if data is stored in db before running my test methods.

I placed this code in my _before() method

    $I->seeRecord(UserModel::className(), ['username'=>'admin', 'email'=>'admin@offneo.com']);
    $I->seeRecord(CountryModel::className(), ['name'=>'Pakistan', 'iso'=>'PK']);
    $I->seeRecord(ResumeModel::className(), ['title'=>'Second Resume', 'created_at'=>'2017-08-15 10:06:06']);

the above lines confirm me that fixtures are loaded in my db. Now I can place the rest of code for my acceptance test as I please.

May be this would help someone. Stay Blessed.