How does Flex 3 datagrid paging work?

2019-08-22 07:02发布


How does paging work, must Flex load in all the database records to determine how many pages to generate?

Let's say I have a table with 10,000+ records and want to split it into pages of 10 records per page into a datagrid component. Does Flex load in the complete 10,000+ records, or just some of them?

I would like to use PHP and AMF on the backend.


We also tried to make this a bit easier in Flash Builder 4 (and support any kind of data/server technology).


Here is a good article on the Adobe blog that talks about how to do that. They call it "implicit paging".

Basically, it involves creating a data provider that is capable of fetching data on demand when a user attempts to view data that hasn't yet been loaded.

Hope this helps!