在C#中的东西的功能实现(stuff function implementation in c#)

2019-08-22 06:40发布

我需要知道C#的任何是否等于SQL函数的任何功能stuff ,它更换输入字符串转换成基于给定的开始和长度原始字符串。


select stuff('sad',1,1'b')

select stuff(original string, start point, length,input string)


Answer 1:


static class StringExtensions
    public static string Splice(this string str, int start, int length,
                                string replacement)
        return str.Substring(0, start) +
               replacement +
               str.Substring(start + length);



string sad = "sad";
string bad = sad.Splice(0, 1, "b");


如果你愿意,你可以调用方法Stuff ,当然,但可以说的Splice名字有点更清晰的(虽然它不经常使用两种)。

Answer 2:


"abc".Remove(1, 1).Insert(2, "XYZ") // result "aXYZc"

Answer 3:


public static string Stuff(this string str, int start , int length , string replaceWith_expression)
    return str.Remove(start, length).Insert(start, replaceWith_expression);

Answer 4:

有没有在C#中没有这样的功能,但你可以很容易地写。 请注意,我的实现是从零开始的(第一个字符的索引为0):

string input = "abcdefg";
int start = 2;
int length = 3;
string replaceWith = "ijklmn";
string stuffedString = input.Remove(start, length).Insert(start, replaceWith);
// will return abijklmnfg


public static class StringExtensions
    public static string Stuff(this string input, int start, int length, string replaceWith)
        return input.Remove(start, length).Insert(start, replaceWith);


string stuffed = "abcdefg".Stuff(2, 3, "ijklmn");

Answer 5:


    /// <summary>
    /// combines 2 strings by inserting the replacement string into the original 
    /// string starting at the start position and will remove up to CharsToRemove 
    /// from the original string before appending the remainder.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="original">original string to modify</param>
    /// <param name="start">starting point for insertion, 0-based</param>
    /// <param name="charstoremove">number of characters from original string to remove</param>
    /// <param name="replacement">string to insert</param>
    /// <returns>a new string as follows:
    /// {original,0,start}{replacement}{original,start+charstoremove,end}
    /// </returns>
    /// <example>
    /// "ABC".Split(1,1,"123") == "A123C"
    /// </example>
    public static string Splice(this string original, int start, int charstoremove,
                                string replacement)
        // protect from null reference exceptions
        if (original == null)
            original = "";
        if (replacement == null)
            replacement = "";

        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (start < 0)
            start = 0;

        // start is too big, concatenate strings
        if (start >= original.Length)
            return sb.ToString();

        // take first piece + replacement
        sb.Append(original.Substring(0, start));

        // if new length is bigger then old length, return what we have
        if (start+charstoremove >= original.Length)
            return sb.ToString();

        // otherwise append remainder
        sb.Append(original.Substring(start + charstoremove));
        return sb.ToString();

文章来源: stuff function implementation in c#
标签: c# .net tsql