i try to make an jQuery function for hide/show a form based on the user's choice!
Here is my code that you will understand better.
<p id="joinChoice" class="parent">
<a href="" id="mastercardChoice"><span class="overlay"></span></a>
<a href="" id="visaChoice"><span class="overlay"></span></a>
<a href="" id="discoverChoice"><span class="overlay"></span></a>
<div class="joinForm">
<div id="noneForm"></div>
<div id="mastercardForm"></div>
<div id="visaForm"></div>
<div id="discoverForm"></div>
The span#overlay in is a simple checkbox image replacement !
I just need a function for hide/view each form for selected Card type !
For the #joinChoice i've already make this :
$('#joinChoice a').click(function(){
Could you help me more please
I was missing an important line:
That prevents the page to reload when clicking on the <a>
<p id="joinChoice" class="parent">
<a href="" id="mastercardChoice" data-form-id="mastercardForm"><span class="overlay"></span></a>
<a href="" id="visaChoice" data-form-id="visaForm"><span class="overlay"></span></a>
<a href="" id="discoverChoice" data-form-id="discoverForm"><span class="overlay"></span></a>
The Javascript:
$('#joinChoice a').click(function (e) {
// prevents the click event to propagate up the DOM tree
// And thus, prevents the page to reload, in that case..
var $this = $(e.target);
// Reset others
var $links = $this.siblings();
$links.each(function(linkEl) {
$( '#'+$(linkEl).data('form-id') ).hide();
// Activate user choice..
Something like this?
<p id="joinChoice" class="parent">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="mastercard"><span class="overlay">Mastercard</span></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="visa"><span class="overlay">Visa</span></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="discover"><span class="overlay">Discover</span></a>
<div class="joinForm">
<div id="noneForm">noneForm</div>
<div id="mastercardForm">mastercardForm</div>
<div id="visaForm">visaForm</div>
<div id="discoverForm">discoverForm</div>
.joinForm div {
display: none;
.on {
color: red;
background: yellow;
$('#joinChoice a').click(function(){
$('#joinChoice a').removeClass('on'); /* remove class from all siblings */
$(this).addClass('on'); /* add class to active sibling */
$('.joinForm div').hide(); /* hide all other forms */
var subElement = '#' + $(this).attr("id") + 'Form';
$( subElement ).show(); /* show active form */
And a demo