AngularJS input with focus kills ng-repeat filter

2019-08-22 03:47发布


Obviously this is caused by me being new to AngularJS, but I don't know what is the problem.

Basically, I have a list of items and an input control for filtering the list that is located in a pop out side drawer.
That works perfectly until I added a directive to set focus to that input control when it becomes visible. Then the focus works, but the filter stops working. No errors. Removing focus="{{open}}" from the markup makes the filter work.

The focus method was taken from this StackOverflow post: How to set focus on input field?

Here is the code...

/* impersonate.html */
<section class="impersonate">
    <div header></div>
        <li ng-repeat="item in items | filter:search">{{}}</li>
    <div class="handle handle-right icon-search" tap="toggle()"></div>
    <div class="drawer drawer-right" 
         ng-class="{expanded: open, collapsed: !open}">
        Search<br />
        <input class="SearchBox" ng-model="" 
               focus="{{open}}" type="text">

// impersonateController.js
            function($scope) {
                $ = false;
                $scope.toggle = function () {
                    $ = !$;

// app.js
    .directive('focus', function($timeout) {
        return {
            scope: { trigger: '@focus' },
            link: function(scope, element) {
                scope.$watch('trigger', function(value) {
                    if(value === "true") { 
                        $timeout(function() {

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks! Thad


The focus directive uses an isolated scope.

scope: { trigger: '@focus' },

So, by adding the directive to the input-tag, ng-model="" no longer points to ImpersonateController but to this new isolated scope.

Instead try:



P.s.: next time, please try to post copyable code. I had to make quite a lot of assumptions of how all this should be wired up.