extjs - How to submit a form when the response is

2019-08-22 03:38发布


I understand that when I submit a form, according to the documentation ExtJs by default parses the response as JSON.

In my case, the server returns HTML, that I want to display in a Panel. When I submit the from using getForm().submit(), ExtJs will throw an error about invalid JSON:

Ext.JSON.decode(): You're trying to decode an invalid JSON String

How can I tell ExtJs not to attempt to parse the response ? I could the access the text with the response object.


I don't know if you are looking for strictly an ExtJS framework solution. However, it seems you may be able to solve your issue possibly using xmlhttprequest directly since you are looking to push the html returned directly to dom?

var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var html = xmlhttp.responseText;
//assign value


In Ext.form.Basic configuration you can define your own reader and errorReader


Finally, it was impossible for me to get to work the form.submit() of ExtJs. I needed an implementation using Ext. And since this is a frequent pattern in my application, it is important to have a short an simple solution.

This is what I finally found (I have a modal window containing the form):

var values = me.up('form').getValues(),
panel = Ext.create('My.view.MyPanel', {
    xtype: 'panel',
    loader: {
        url: Paths.ajax + 'sav_vpc/douane.php',
        method: 'get',
        params: values,
        autoLoad: true

This solution has another advantage over the me.up('form').getForm().submit() solution:

While .getForm().submit() is asynchronous, .getValues() is synchronous. Therefore, it is possible to close the window immediately.