I had a problem re-rendering my component on tabs change, and apparently adding lazyLoad: true
to the navigation options solved it.
But I don't understand very well how it works...especially before that, I had another problem and adding lazy: true
to options solved it.
so my question is, what is the difference between the two and how they work in react-navigation :)
There are two major releases of react navigation
react-navigation-v1 and react-navigation-v2
When react-navigation
loads up a navigator e.g TabNavigator
, it tries to render all the screens inside that navigator.
For react-navigation-v1
: When the TabNavigator
is mounted on the screen, It tries to push all the screens/components configured inside itself at once to the UI. So to avoid this behavior, in the TabNavigator
options, lazyLoad: true
or lazy: true
is passed, so the Screens/Components can be rendered as required.
Until react-navigation 1.0.0-beta9
, lazyLoad: true
was used, but since it is stable now, lazy: true
is used.
For react-navigation-v2
: TabNavigator
and createTabNavigator
are deprecated, you will always get that yellow screen error, so use createBottomTabNavigator
and/or createMaterialTopTabNavigator
. The lazy
option works with TabNavigator
and createTabNavigator
, createBottomTabNavigator
has lazyLoading
option built in, but createMaterialTopTabNavigator
seems to buggy, the lazy
option does not work.
I hope this answers your question.