I'm currently building an app that has Email sending capabilities. I'm trying to send an Email with the relevant information and includes a link to the original post that is being sent. the original post is created as an HTML code segment, so I have to send the Email as an HTML. i create the Email dialog like this:
var mail = Ti.UI.createEmailDialog({
messageBody: '<br><br><a href="http://www.XXXXXXXX.com/index.php?tid='+post.id+'" target="_blank">view original post</a><br><br><b style="font-size:1.5em;font-family:Arial">'+post.desc+'</b><br><br><i>'+metaData.text.toString().replace(/\n/g,'<br>')+' </i><br><br>'+post.htmlData
when I ran the app on my device, I got the option of sending via "mail" or via "Gmail". when sent via "mail", all the link tabs and and were ignored and striped so the Email didn't include them. however, the "Gmail" option left everything as suppose to. any thoughts?
the question was asked also in Titanium Q&A