
Bulk filter & parse ONIX data (XML) in Excel

2019-08-22 02:15发布


I have 3000 ONIX-style xml URLs with book metadata. I would like to filter a few nodes out of these files and parse them into Excel rows in a single worksheet.

This is an example of a XML-path: http://btsoep.appspot.com/rest/book/9789082516425

I would like to filter this XML data on things as




I need the retrieved Data in an Excel worksheet where every URL has it's own row. So the URLs are in row A, TitleText is in row B and PersonName is in row C.

How would I go by doing this?


What I've tried so far is: -using wget to download all the xml data first and then try to bulk parse this is excel. This could work but is unnecessary. -using the default XMLimport function in Excel. I can't seem to run this in a batch.

I don't have any experience with filtering XML files and parsing this in an Excel worksheet. I'm not asking anyone to fix this for me or write code for me, but I would like a step in the good direction. Which tools would be the best to use for this case? Thanks again.


this should get you started

Option Explicit

Sub parseONIX()

    Dim URL As String

    URL = "http://btsoep.appspot.com/rest/book/9789082516425"
 '  URL = "https://www.w3schools.com/xml/plant_catalog.xml"

    Dim XMLPage As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
    XMLPage.Open "GET", URL, False

    Dim XMLDoc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument
    XMLDoc.LoadXML XMLPage.responseText

    Debug.Print XMLDoc.ChildNodes(0).BaseName
    Debug.Print XMLDoc.ChildNodes(1).BaseName
    Debug.Print XMLDoc.ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(0).BaseName
    Debug.Print XMLDoc.ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(1).BaseName
    Debug.Print XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("Product").Item(0).BaseName

    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 0 To XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("Measure").Length - 1

        Debug.Print "type: "; XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("Measure")(i).ChildNodes(0).Text,
        Debug.Print XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("Measure")(i).ChildNodes(1).Text,
        Debug.Print XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("Measure")(i).ChildNodes(2).Text

    Next i

End Sub