This question already has an answer here:
- Can't import database through phpmyadmin file size too large 12 answers
- Can not increase file upload size WAMP 4 answers
I can only upload files up to 128 MB big on Phpmyadmin. I need to change the value, so I tried to change the php.ini file via tray.
I already changed memory_limit = 128M
to memory_limit = 2048M
and restarted all services, but the limit in Phpmyadmin is still 128 MB.
Do I have to change another setting?
I figured out that you can also set it directly via the tray menu, but it makes no difference (restarted already):
Interestingly there is still 128M selected even after I changed it to 2048M in the php.ini. I set it to 2048M again via the tray menu.
- memory_limit = 2048M
- post_max_size = 2048M
- upload_max_filesize = 2048M
- max_execution_time = 300
- max_input_time = 300
Made no difference.
The duplicate 'Can not increase file upload size WAMP' solved the problem.