So this sliding animation works great when viewing on the page, but if i go to another browser tab for a couple minutes and come back to this tab it's like all the animations queued up while i was gone and run superfast all at once. It looks horrible... Any ideas?
$(document).ready(function() {
var timeOuts = new Array();
var currentSlide = 0;
var slides = $('.banner_images').length;
function homeanimation(i) {
if (i == slides) { i = 0; }
$('.banner_images:eq(' + i + ')').css('left', '-901px');
$('.banner_images:eq(' + i + ')').animate({ "left": "0px" }, 800);
$('.overlay-content:eq(' + i + ')').fadeIn(1500);
timeOuts[0] = setTimeout(function() { $('.banner_images:eq(' + i + ')').animate ({ "left": "901px" }, 800) }, 6000);
timeOuts[1] = setTimeout(function() { $('.overlay-content:eq(' + i + ')').fadeOut(700) }, 6000);
timeOuts[3] = setTimeout(function() { currentSlide = i + 1; }, 6000);
timeOuts[2] = setTimeout(function() { homeanimation(currentSlide); }, 6000);