I need some help in creating a list using information that is contained in a larger list in Excel. For instance, in cells A1:A15 I have a persons name. In cells B1:B15 I have a drop down box indicating Pass/Fail. I am only interested in the people who have failed, so is there a way to create a smaller list that will contain their name based on if they have the Fail designation in cells B1:15? Thanks in advance for any help.
Use this formula, say in E2
press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to evaluate it and drag it down.
Another way would be to filter column B
for Fail
values and copy only visible rows
Try this small macro:
Sub SmallerList()
K = 1
For Each r In Range("B1:B15")
If r.Value = "Fail" Then
Range("C" & K).Value = r.Offset(0, -1).Value
K = K + 1
End If
Next r
End Sub