
Issue building WSO2 Governance registry source cod

2019-08-21 17:04发布


I have been trying to build the WSO2 Governance registry from the source code checked out from '_http://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/carbon/platform/tags/4.0.5/products/greg/4.5.3' as mentioned in the site.

I am getting the following error while running the pom.xml

[INFO] Building WSO2 Governance Registry Source 4.5.3
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- incremental-build-plugin:1.3:incremental-build (default) @ wso2greg-src ---
[INFO] Verifying module descriptor ...
[INFO] Verifying parent modules...
[INFO] Verifying resources...
[INFO] Resources directory does not exist : H:\WorkSpace_1\WSO2\modules\source\src\main\resources
[INFO] Verifying sources...
[INFO] No sources to check ...
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.1:run (clean-checkout) @ wso2greg-src ---
[INFO] Executing tasks
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-svn-revision-number-plugin:1.1:revision (default) @ wso2greg-src ---
[INFO] --- gmaven-plugin:1.0-rc-5:execute (default) @ wso2greg-src ---
[INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.1.1:exec (default) @ wso2greg-src ---
[INFO] svn: E160013: '/repos/wso2/!svn/rvr/170534/branches/solutions/governance/4.5.3' **path not found**
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 8.125s
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Apr 17 19:37:22 IST 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 7M/12M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.1.1:exec (default) on project wso2greg-src: Result of cmd.exe /X /C "svn co -r170329 _https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/branches/solutions/governance/4.5.3 checkout" execution is: '1'. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] _http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoExecutionException

I have tried hitting the mentioned repository location '_https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/branches/solutions/governance/4.5.3' manually but a repository with version number 4.5.3 does not exist.

Can anybody suggest an alternative location if you know of, or any other way to build it successfully.

Thanks in advance!!


Why are you trying to build the source?..It is bit difficult for a newbie.. If you really need it,You have to take checkout from here[1] and need to build

  • dependencies
  • service stubs
  • components
  • features
  • product Before that you need to build the orbit[2] and kernel[3] of the same version

[1]https://svn.wso2.com/wso2/custom/projects/projects/carbon/4.0.0/platform/tags/4.0.5/ [2]https://svn.wso2.com/wso2/custom/projects/projects/carbon/4.0.0/orbit/tags/4.0.5/ [3]https://svn.wso2.com/wso2/custom/projects/projects/carbon/4.0.0/kernel/tags/4.0.5/