So I have to strings s1 and s2 and I have two obtain the string d that contains the maximum numbers for each of the positions of s1 and s2.
For example:
S1: 1, 3, 6, 2, 3, 10
S2: 6, 3, 11, 1, 2, 5
D: 6, 3, 11, 2, 3, 10
So this is the code
bits 32
global start
extern exit,printf
import exit msvcrt.dll
import printf msvcrt.dll
segment data use32 class=data
format db "%s",0
s1 db "1","3","6","2","3","10"
l equ $-s1
s2 db "6","3" ,"11","1","2", "5"
d times l db 0
segment code use32 class=code
mov esi,0
mov edi,0
mov al,[s1+esi]
mov bl,[s2+esi]
cmp al,bl
jg et1
inc edi
inc esi
jmp et2
inc edi
inc esi
cmp esi,l
jne Repeta
push d
push format
add esp,4*2
push dword 0
call [exit]
The problem is that when it reaches a double digit element(10 or 11) it takes only the first digit(1) and compares it with the number from the other string on the same position and after that it takes the second digit and compares it with the next number from the other string.
How can I solve this?
it says that it should be a string of bytes
The phrase "of bytes" very strongly implies array to me. Ask your instructor for clarification, but I think s1: db 1, 3, 6, 2, 3, 10
is what you're supposed to be working with, so the elements are fixed width single byte integers. (And not ASCII strings at all).
This means you can use a simple pairwise max like SSE2 pmaxub
(for unsigned bytes) or SSE4.1 pmaxsb
(for signed bytes).
segment data use32 class=data
format db "%s",0
s1 db 1, 3, 6, 2, 3, 10
l equ $-s1
s2 db 6, 3, 11, 1, 2, 5
d times l db 0
movq xmm1, [s1] ; load all 6 elements, plus 2 bytes past the end but that's ok. We ignore those bytes
movq xmm2, [s2]
pmaxub xmm1, xmm2 ; element-wise vertical max
;but avoid storing outside of 6-byte d
movd [d], xmm1 ; store first 4 bytes of the result
pextrw [d+4], xmm1, 2 ; store bytes 4 and 5 (word 2 of xmm1 = 3rd word)
... ; the result isn't a string, you can't print it with printf.
For byte counts that aren't a multiple of 2, e.g. if l
was 7, you could use this instead of pextrw
psrldq xmm1, 3 ; bring the data you want to store down into the low 4 bytes of the register
movd [d+4], xmm1 ; 4-byte store that overlaps by 1
BTW, I realize that you're intended to loop over the elements 1 byte at a time. Maybe use cmp cl, al
/ cmovg eax, ecx
/ mov [edi], al
to store what was originally in cl
if cl > al
(signed), otherwise store what was originally in al
I think your loop structure is a bit broken, because you have one path that doesn't store to d
. You always need to store to d
, regardless of which source was greater.