I have a data frame with 20 columns, and I want to plot one specific column (called BB) against each single column in the data frame. The plots I need are probability density plots, and I’m using the following code to generate one plot (plotting columns BB vs. AA as an example):
mydata = as.data.frame(fread("filename.txt")) #read my data as data frame
#function to calculate density
get_density <- function(x, y, n = 100) {
dens <- MASS::kde2d(x = x, y = y, n = n)
ix <- findInterval(x, dens$x)
iy <- findInterval(y, dens$y)
ii <- cbind(ix, iy)
#define the x and y of the plot; x = column called AA; y = column called BB
xy1 <- data.frame(
x = mydata$AA,
y = mydata$BB
#call function get_density to calculate density for the defined x an y
xy1$density <- get_density(xy1$x, xy1$y)
ggplot(xy1) + geom_point(aes(x, y, color = density), size = 3, pch = 20) + scale_color_viridis() +
labs(title = "BB vs. AA") +
scale_x_continuous(name="AA") +
Would appreciate it if someone can suggest a method to produce multiple plot of BB against every other column, using the above density function and ggplot command. I tried adding a loop, but found it too complicated especially when defining the x and y to be plotted or calling the density function.