Rails, MongoMapper nested Array in HAML form troub

2019-08-21 14:53发布


I'm getting

undefined method `Carrots' for # (referencing ln#18)

When trying to edit with the below form:

= form_for @harvest do |f|
  - if @harvest.errors.any?
      %h2= "#{pluralize(@harvest.errors.count, "error")} prohibited this harvest from being saved:"
        - @harvest.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
          %li= msg

    = f.label :created_at
    = f.text_field :created_at, :disabled => true
    = f.label :photo
    = f.text_field :photo
    %h2 Crops
    - @harvest.harvested_crops.each do |harvested_crop|
      = f.label :harvested_crop['crop']
      = f.select harvested_crop['crop'], Crop.all.collect {|p| [ p.name, p.id ] }, {:include_blank => ''}
      = f.label :harvested_crop['amount']
      = f.text_field harvested_crop['amount']

    = f.submit 'Save'

Using the data below:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5067846f37bca62bccc3729e"), "user_id" : "5067844637bca62bccc3729c", "photo" : "carrotsnspuds.jpg", "harvested_crops" : [    {   "crop" : "Carrots",     "amount" : 1112.15 },   {   "crop" : "Potatoes",    "amount" : 3212.44 } ] }

I've tried related Stack Overflow questions for MongoMapper, Rails and Embedded documents but I am not having any luck, perhaps due to this being a nested Array rather than EmbeddedDocument. I'm not using Formtastic or anything yet, would just like to understand the syntax required here first.


This is definitely not efficient, but this allowed me to get the job done:

= form_for @harvest do |f|
  - if @harvest.errors.any?
      %h2= "#{pluralize(@harvest.errors.count, "error")} prohibited this harvest from being saved:"
        - @harvest.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
          %li= msg

    = f.label :created_at
    = f.text_field :created_at, :disabled => true
    = f.label :photo
    = f.text_field :photo
    %h2 Crops
    - x = 0
    - @harvest.harvested_crops.each do |harvested_crop|
      = f.fields_for "harvested_crops[]", harvested_crop do |hc|
        %b Harvested Crop
        %select{:name => "harvest[harvested_crops][" + x.to_s + "][crop]"}
          - Crop.all.collect.each do |crop_name|
            - if harvested_crop['crop'] == crop_name[:name]
              %option{:selected => "selected", :value => crop_name[:name]}
                = crop_name[:name]
            - else
              %option{:value => crop_name[:name]}
                = crop_name[:name]
        %b Amount
        %input{:name => "harvest[harvested_crops][" + x.to_s + "][amount]", :value => harvested_crop['amount']}/
        - x += 1

    = f.submit 'Save'