My code is similar to a file search engine, it takes in a keyword you are looking for, does a full text search of all the files in the users google drive and returns the files name, url source, and folder by displaying it in a spreadsheet. Code:
function search(Phrase, FolderID) {
// Prompt the user for a search term
var searchTerm = Browser.inputBox("Enter the string to search for:");
// Get the active spreadsheet and the active sheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
// Set up the spreadsheet to display the results
var headers = [["File Name", "Folder", "URL"]];
// Search the files in the user's Google Drive for the search term based on if the word is included in thefile or name
// Search Reference Guide:
var files = DriveApp.searchFiles("fullText contains '"+searchTerm.replace("'","\'")+"'");
//var SearchString = 'fullText contains "' + Phrase + '" and "' + FolderID + '" in parents';
//var files = DriveApp.searchFiles(SearchString);
// create an array to store our data to be written to the sheet
var output = [];
// Loop through the results and get the file name, URL, and Folder
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file =;
var name = file.getName();
//var type = file.getMimeType(); //File type
var url = file.getUrl();
var folderNames = "";
var folders = file.getParents();
while (folders.hasNext()) {
var folder =;
folderNames += folder.getName() + ", ";
// push the file details to our output array (essentially pushing a row of data)
output.push([name, folderNames, url]);
// write data to the sheet
sheet.getRange(5, 1, output.length, 3).setValues(output);
I am definitely a beginner in coding/google scripts so I would just like some suggestions (if any) to help reduce the amount of time it takes for the code to finish one run and get the results because currently I have to wait 5-15 seconds for the results.