Can you please explain how to override following core files properly in presatashop. Prestashop allowed only controllers, modal and tpl files in override folder. We can not override src folders in same way.
src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/ProductController.php src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/form.html.twig
I don't believe this is possible in Prestashop 1.7. See their post here : it seems like they want you to use hooks, ie extending not overriding...
PrestaShop give you the ability to override core files, you can check the : officiel doc
From PS 1.7.3, you can override src
views and controllers in a module.
To override this template file:
You can add it a module:
Doc PrestaShop for views in a module
And to override this controller file:
You can add it in global override folder:
Or in a module:
Doc PrestaShop for controllers in a module