In my jqGrid I use the multiselect parameter so that there is a checkbox on each row. The grid shows a list where each row has an "Open" status. A number of rows may be checked and when the "Close Faults from Subcontractor" button is clicked, all the ticked entries will be assigned a new status of "closed". As this grid only displays "open" entries, the database is requeried and a new list of open entries needs to be displayed. To do this the grid needs to be reloaded with the new data. Currently the reloadGrid is not working, the same data is shown as before.
$(function () {
var populateGrid = function (data) {
var grid = $("#grid");
data: data,
multiselect: true,
colNames: ["Category", "Description", "Opened", "Urgency", "Location"],
colModel: [
{ name: "category", index: "category", width: 200, align: "left" },
{ name: "description", index: "description", width: 200, align: "left" },
name: "dateOpened",
index: "dateOpened",
width: 100,
align: "left",
formatter: "date",
formatoptions: { newformat: "d-M-Y" }
{ name: "urgency", label: "urgency", width: 200, align: "left" },
{ name: "location", label: "location", width: 100, align: "left" }
//guiStyle: "bootstrap",
prmNames: { id: "faultId" },
localReader: { id: "faultId" },
cmTemplate: { autoResizable: true },
rowNum: 20,
pager: "#pager",
shrinkToFit: true,
rownumbers: true,
sortname: "category",
viewrecords: true
.navGrid("#pager", {
edit: false,
add: false,
del: false,
search: false,
refresh: false
caption: "Close Faults from Subcontractor",
buttonicon: "ui-icon-circle-check",
position: "first",
title: "Blue Button",
onClickButton: function () {
var pdfFile = $("#documentName").val();
if (pdfFile === undefined || pdfFile === null || pdfFile.length === 0) {
errorValidationMessage("You must upload a Subcontractor's confirmation pdf first before closing faults");
return false;
var selRowIds = grid.jqGrid("getGridParam", "selarrrow");
if (selRowIds.length === 0) {
errorValidationMessage("You did not select any faults to close");
return false;
var contractSubcontractorId = GetHiddenField("sir-contract-subcontractor-id");
var documentName = pdfFile.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/.*\//, "");
var url = GetHiddenField("sir-close-faults-from-subcontractor-url");
var postData = JSON.stringify({ faultIds: selRowIds, contractSubcontractorId: contractSubcontractorId, documentName: documentName });
var callback = reloadGrid;
dataService.putData(url, postData, callback);
var getDataForGrid = function (callback) {
var url = GetHiddenField("sir-get-open-faults-list");
dataService.getList(url, callback);
var reloadGrid = function () {
showSuccessMessage("Selected Properties Closed");
var reloadGridWithUpdatedData = function (data) {
var grid = $("#grid");
grid.jqGrid("setGridParam", { data: data });
grid.trigger("reloadGrid", data);