How to pass a redux store into dynamically rendere

2019-08-21 12:08发布


I have a React Redux application, which is using redux-form. Form is render dynamically by event. While it render, I'am getting an error Uncaught Error: Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(Form(FormCreate))"

To fix error, I explicitly pass a store into Form component, as bellow

render(<FormCreate store={store}/>, document.getElementById('form'))

But store also needed by redux-form custom render fiedls. For example

<Field store={store} component={renderField} type="text" name="text" label="Text"/> 

Error was go away, but it seems to me bad approach :) That's why I ask how can I pass a redux store into rendered redux-form component more simply?

PS Can I wrap rendered form component into Provider, if Root element was already wrapped in Provider?


You can use the reduxForm decorator for your form which will fix this issue for you. In the example below, SimpleForm is a React component that consists of a form. This will make the data from your Field components to appear in the Redux state. Decorators are however only part of es7 but is available in Typescript.

export default reduxForm({
  form: 'simple' // a unique identifier for this form

The jsfiddle below shows a full example of how to use the reduxForm decorator this.