create table test1 (no decimal(4,2) ,name char(10))
create table test2 (no char(1) ,name char(10))
insert into test1 values(1,'aa')
insert into test1 values(2,'ab')
insert into test1 values(3,'ac')
insert into test1 values(4,'ad')
insert into test1 values(null,'ad')
insert into test2 (no,name) (select cast(no as char(1)),name from test1)
not working. any clues.
Are you intentionally using CHAR rather than VARCHAR? VARCHAR won't pad your text with spaces.
When I run the insert, I get the following error:
insert into test2 (no,name) (select cast(no as char(1)),name from test1)
SQL0445W Value "1.00 " has been truncated. SQLSTATE=01004
The actual insert works for me, but it suggests that you need CHAR(4) or VARCHAR(4) rather than CHAR(1).
If you want to automatically drop the digits after the decimal, you could cast the values to BIGINT first:
insert into test2 (no,name) (
cast(cast(no as bigint) as char(1)),
from test1
Note that you will still run into truncation issues for values like 10 or -1.