I want to have the following query in Dynamic LINQ.. I have tried some solutions but have not succeeded yet.
SUM([Value1]) AS [Sum]
,[Dim1] AS [Primary],
[Dim2] AS [Secondary]
value1, dim1, dim2
FROM [BudgetLine]
WHERE [BudgetID] = 4
) as a
GROUP BY [Dim1], [Dim2]
My current code looks like this, but I need to rewrite it to give me the SQL above.
var query = (DatabaseConnection.DataMemoryContext.GetTable<BudgetLineEntity>().AsQueryable()
.GroupBy(String.Format("new({0},{1})",primaryDimension.Name,secondaryDimension.Name), "new(Value1)")
.Select(String.Format("new (Key.{0} as Primary, Key.{1} as Secondary, Sum(Value1) as Sum)",primaryDimension.Name,secondaryDimension.Name)));
primaryDimension.Name and SecondaryDimension.Name contain the name of the columns to group by.