I've been teaching myself Access for the past few weeks and have done well using old questions to solve a lot of the programming conundrums I encountered. I have finally hit a wall and cannot make this filter work correctly.
I'm attempting to use multiple comboboxes on a form to filter a report by a number of criteria. It works great when filtering by customer, branch, and date range, but my numerous attempts at getting G/P% range filter added in have been very frustrating.
I'm using vba to concatenate strings coming from the comboboxes to turn them into a filter, but I either get a data type mismatch error or syntax error with the G/P range function. The underlying queries have [G/P%] formatted as a percent, the comboboxes' source are value lists ("0%","5%","10%",etc.), and I was certain to leave out the single quotes to designate the values as numbers and not strings. I've been at it for many hours trying variations on this code and nothing will work. The individual strings seem okay, but combining them into a single filter to use to open the report is where I think the issue is.
I've tried using Format() to make the values percentages; I've tried setting the variables as strings, integers, and long; I've tried moving all the text down to the final string so the G/P variables are only numbers; at this point I'm convinced that the error I've made is something small and easy that I've overlooked, but I am out of ideas.
The truly frustrating thing is I have a similar code on a different part of the form that only filters with customer name and max G/P and it works perfectly!
Public Sub cmdSalesOVFilter_Click()
Dim strBRFilter As String
Dim strCRFilter As String
Dim strFDateField As String
Dim strTDateField As String
Dim strMinGPFilter As String
Dim strMaxGPFilter As String
Dim strSOFilter As String
If IsNull(Me.cboBranchSales.Value) Then
strBRFilter = " AND [BranchName] Like '*'"
strBRFilter = " AND [BranchName] ='" & Me.cboBranchSales.Value & "'"
End If
If IsNull(Me.cboCustSalesOV.Value) Then
strCRFilter = " AND [CustName] Like '*'"
strCRFilter = " AND [CustName] ='" & Me.cboCustSalesOV.Value & "'"
End If
If IsNull(Me.cboSalesOVDateFrom.Value) Then
strFDateField = " AND [OrderDate]>#" & Format("6/1/2016", "Short Date") & "#"
strFDateField = " AND [OrderDate]>=#" & CDate(Me.cboSalesOVDateFrom.Value) & "#"
End If
If IsNull(Me.cboSalesOVDateTo.Value) Then
strTDateField = " AND [OrderDate]<#" & Format("1/1/2505", "Short Date") & "#"
strTDateField = " AND [OrderDate]<=#" & CDate(Me.cboSalesOVDateTo.Value) & "#"
End If
If IsNull(Me.cboSalesOVMinGP.Value) Then
strMinGPFilter = " AND [G/P%]>=-100"
strMinGPFilter = " AND [G/P%]>=" & Me.cboSalesOVMinGP.Value
End If
If IsNull(Me.cboSalesOVMaxGP.Value) Then
strMaxGPFilter = " AND [G/P%]<=100"
strMaxGPFilter = " AND [G/P%]<=" & Me.cboSalesOVMaxGP.Value
End If
strSOFilter = Mid(strCRFilter & strBRFilter & strFDateField & strTDateField & strMinGPFilter & strMaxGPFilter, 6)
Call ReportFilter(strSOFilter)
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptYTDCustInvoices", acViewReport, strSOFilter
With Reports![rptYTDCustInvoices]
.Filter = strSOFilter
.FilterOn = True
End With
End Sub