I'm trying to add a blocking phone number feature to my app and I had some error and my problem got solved in This question that I asked. the person who solved my problem there, also guided me that I have to use group application to share my core data( I store the phone numbers here ) with the Call Directory.
the code below is in the main app(blocking viewController)
@IBAction func BtnAddA(_ sender: Any) {
if !(EntPhonenumber.text?.isEmpty)!
let blackedPhonenumbers_CoreData = BlockedPhoneNumbers(context: PersistanceService.context)
blackedPhonenumbers_CoreData.phoneNumber = Int64.init(EntPhonenumber.text!)!
CXCallDirectoryManager.sharedInstance.reloadExtension(withIdentifier: "MY CALL DIRECTORY BUNDLE ID") { (err) in
if let error = err
print("we got some error")
print("good to go")
And I have Used this linkto share my core data with my call directory.
And the code below shows the call directory handler:
class CallDirectoryHandler: CXCallDirectoryProvider {
var listPhoneNumbers:[CXCallDirectoryPhoneNumber] = []
let context = CoreDataStorage.mainQueueContext()
func fetchData() {
self.context.performAndWait{ () -> Void in
let FetchedData = NSManagedObject.findAllForEntity("BlockedPhoneNumbers", context: self.context)
if (FetchedData != nil) {
// self.fetchData = (FetchedData?.last as! BlockedPhoneNumbers)
listPhoneNumbers = FetchedData as! [CXCallDirectoryPhoneNumber]
else {
override func beginRequest(with context: CXCallDirectoryExtensionContext) {
context.delegate = self
// Check whether this is an "incremental" data request. If so, only provide the set of phone number blocking
// and identification entries which have been added or removed since the last time this extension's data was loaded.
// But the extension must still be prepared to provide the full set of data at any time, so add all blocking
// and identification phone numbers if the request is not incremental.
if context.isIncremental {
addOrRemoveIncrementalBlockingPhoneNumbers(to: context)
addOrRemoveIncrementalIdentificationPhoneNumbers(to: context)
} else {
addAllBlockingPhoneNumbers(to: context)
addAllIdentificationPhoneNumbers(to: context)
private func addAllBlockingPhoneNumbers(to context: CXCallDirectoryExtensionContext) {
// Retrieve all phone numbers to block from data store. For optimal performance and memory usage when there are many phone numbers,
// consider only loading a subset of numbers at a given time and using autorelease pool(s) to release objects allocated during each batch of numbers which are loaded.
let blockedPhoneNumbers: [CXCallDirectoryPhoneNumber] = listPhoneNumbers//[ phone Numbers here with country code! ]
for phoneNumber in blockedPhoneNumbers.sorted(by: <) {
context.addBlockingEntry(withNextSequentialPhoneNumber: phoneNumber)
Whenever I press the button in blocking VC, I get an error which says:
@Error Domain=com.apple.CallKit.error.calldirectorymanager Code=0 "(null)" ==The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.CallKit.error.calldirectorymanager error 0.)
and sometimes :
@Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named ARWD.whoIsThis.Call-Directory.apple-extension-service" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named ARWD.whoIsThis.Call-Directory.apple-extension-service} ==Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.
does anybody knows what am I doing wrong and what is the solution??