运行测试NG Selenium测试通过SSH(Running Test NG Selenium Te

2019-08-21 09:40发布

I have a server, A, that has eclipse, testNG, selenium, and stuff set up on it. I have another server, B, with Bamboo setup on it.

I am able to, on server A, run a testNG script that runs a set of selenium tests on a web application that I'm developing. I used the java command that is in the properties of the vm that was shown in eclipse to create an ssh task on server B through Bamboo.

However, it seems like it just sits there and never actually finishes the job in Bamboo.

I tried to ssh to Server A from another laptop, and ran the same command. I don't get any error messages or anything, but the system seems to just freeze.

How do I fix this?

Answer 1:

sudo apt-get install xvfb

sudo apt-get install xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable xfonts-cyrillic

然后开始运行它和您的显示设置的东西系统将无法使用。 这是我做的,remeber的&让在后台终端中运行的东西。
Xvfb :99 -ac &
export DISPLAY=:99
firefox &

此外,我在和在轨道上的服务器断开红宝石问题,当我退出SSH终端。 为了解决这个问题,使用的屏幕。 屏幕上运行,而不受所述SSH另一终端。
sudo apt-get install screen


为了摆脱当前屏幕窗口只需点击“按Ctrl + A”然后“d”,并要回式screen -r

Answer 2:


主机A:有浏览器和硒-RC始终运行和听什么(4444)端口; 主持人B:有TestNG的+建设工作,并有指向主机A的硒-RC测试


如果服务器A上运行在Linux / Unix,那么就SSH-ING和启动浏览器将不会成功(硒,你会用它试图启动一个浏览器结束)。

Answer 3:

尝试将显示环境变量设置为“0”(或任何显示的是你的机器上 - 你可以通过GUI启动一个终端,运行“回声$显示”查询)。 我可以启动Firefox上使用以下命令SSH:


但严重的是,我第二patrungel的建议 - 使用硒电网/ RC。 它的设计为这种事情。

文章来源: Running Test NG Selenium Tests Through SSH