I'm a new Dev , trying to pass Pandas DataFrame to Tabulator , it works but the table is so messed up
original file : original file in excel
without tabulator : to_html() render result
it renders fine as html but once i attach Tabulator to it everything is messed up .
after tabulator: after attaching tabulator to it using ID
the way i install it was copying and pasting all files in Dist to my app folder JS files in the JS folder and all CSS files in CSS folder
in HTML head :
<link href="{{ url_for ('static', filename='css/tabulator.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ url_for ('static', filename='tabulator.min.js') }}"></script>
HTML Body :
var table = new Tabulator("#tableId", {});
df = pd.read_excel(destination)
return render_template('fileviewer.html',x=df.to_html(table_id='tableId'))