I have three tables:
Employee (emp_id,name)
Projects (pid,proj_status)
Project_Allocation (pid,emp_id)
To find the people belonging to my project:
1. I have my name, I query my emp_id.
2. Using my emp_id, I query (withRelated) for all my projects from Project_Allocation (completed ones as well) with a belongsTo relation defined on Projects
3. Then I pick the pid of the project having status as 'LIVE'
4. Now I pick all the models having this pid in Project_allocation.
The issue I'm encountering is when creating the schemas for Project and Project_Allocation tables. The both require each other and I cant load them both. Please suggest how I can rewrite this.
Here are few extracts:
The Project_Allocation file:
var Project = require('./project');
var PASchema = Bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'project_allocation',
project: function(){
return this.belongsTo(ProjectSchema, 'pid')
The Project file:
var ProjAlloc = require('./projAlloc');
var ProjectSchema = Bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'project',
idAttribute: 'pid',
allocatedIDs: function() {
return this.belongsTo(PASchema,'pid')