I want to use more than 30 arguments in sum formula for excel, I am using below formula:-
Above formula will work fine for 30 argumnets, but for more than 30 argumemts excel will return error(#VALUE
You could batch smaller groups into sub-SUMs like this:
=SUM(SUM(1,2), SUM(3,4),...)
This version will be shorter, you can add as many as you want, only limit will be maximum formula length
Perhaps you could save further characters in your formula like this:
which could be extended much further, but for clarity, I'd suggest writing a custom UDF:
SPRange would work like SUMPRODUCT but operates on multiple ranges:
Function SPRange(Range1 As Range, Range2 As Range) As Double
Dim i As Long, n As Long, rng As Range, Arr() As Double
n = Range1.Count
ReDim Arr(1 To n) As Double
i = 1
For Each rng In Range1
If IsNumeric(rng.Value2) Then Arr(i) = rng.Value2
i = i + 1
Next rng
i = 1
SPRange = 0
For Each rng In Range2
If IsNumeric(rng.Value2) Then SPRange = SPRange + Arr(i) * rng.Value2
i = i + 1
Next rng
End Function
If you want to extend to many ranges you can define names through code:
names.Add "Range1",Range("f73,g74")
names.Add "Range2",Range("j73,j74")
which allows for over 1000 cells in my tests. Then just enter the formula as: