In JavaScript:
"ab abc cab ab ab".replace(/\bab\b/g, "AB");
correctly gives me:
"AB abc cab AB AB"
When I use utf-8 characters though:
"αβ αβγ γαβ αβ αβ".replace(/\bαβ\b/g, "AB");
the word boundary operator doesn't seem to work:
"αβ αβγ γαβ αβ αβ"
Is there a solution to this?
The word boundary assertion does only match if a word character is not preceded or followed by another word character (so .\b.
is equal to \W\w
and \w\W
). And \w
is defined as [A-Za-z0-9_]
. So \w
doesn’t match greek characters. And thus you cannot use \b
for this case.
What you could do instead is to use this:
"αβ αβγ γαβ αβ αβ".replace(/(^|\s)αβ(?=\s|$)/g, "$1AB")
Not all Javascript regexp implementation has support for Unicode ad so you need to escape it
"αβ αβγ γαβ αβ αβ".replace(/\u03b1\u03b2/g, "AB"); // "AB ABγ γAB AB AB"
For mapping the characters you can take a look at
Of course, this doesn't help with the word boundary issue (as explained in other answers) but should at least enable you to match the characters properly
I needed something to be programmable and handle punctuation, brackets, etc.
var wordToReplace = '買い手',
replacementWord = '[[BUYER]]',
text = 'Mange 買い手 information. The selected Store and Classification will be the default on the สั่งซื้อ.'
function replaceWord(text, wordToReplace, replacementWord) {
var re = new RegExp('(^|\\s|\\(|\'|"|,|;)' + wordToReplace + '($|\\s|\\)|\\.|\'|"|!|,|;|\\?)', 'gi');
return text.replace(re, replacementWord);
I've written a javascript resource editor so this is why I've found this page and also answered it out of necessity since I couldn't find a word boundary parametarized regexp that worked well for Unicode.
Not all the implementations of RegEx associated with Javascript engines a unicode aware.
For example Microsofts JScript using in IE is limited to ANSI.
When you’re dealing with Unicode and natural-language words, you probably want to be more careful with boundaries than just using \b
. See this answer for details and directions.