I am trying to create a new user profile and the JSON fields passed in are ignored.
The following is the URL with method POST
The JSON payload is:
"parameters" : [
"address1" : "1101 Kitchawan Road",
"city" : "Yorktown Heights",
"companyName" : "IBM - www Account",
"state" : "NY",
"country" : "US",
"postalCode" : "10598",
"firstName" : "hello",
"lastName" : "thisguy",
"email" : "thisguy@nn.ibm.com",
"permissionSystemVersion" : "1",
"timezoneId" : "117",
"username" : "286900_thisguy@nn.ibm.com",
"secondaryPasswordTimeoutDays" : 90,
"managedByOpenIdConnectFlag" : false,
"userStatusId" : 1001,
"sslVpnAllowedFlag" : true
The JSON returned from the create is:
'userStatusId' => 1001,
'timezoneId' => 117,
'accountId' => 286900,
'statusDate' => undef,
'userLinks' => [],
'locale' => {
'friendlyName' => 'English',
'name' => 'English',
'id' => 1,
'languageTag' => 'en-US'
'state' => 'NY',
'secondaryLoginRequiredFlag' => undef,
'msn' => '',
'managedByOpenIdConnectFlag' => bless( do{\(my $o = 1)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
'email' => 'thisguy@nn.ibm.com',
'permissionSystemVersion' => 2,
'vpnManualConfig' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
'id' => 6713227,
'secondaryPasswordTimeoutDays' => 0,
'yahoo' => '',
'denyAllResourceAccessOnCreateFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'secondaryLoginManagementFlag' => undef,
'localeId' => 1,
'firstName' => hello',
'timezone' => {
'longName' => '(GMT-05:00) America/New York - EST',
'name' => 'America/New_York',
'id' => 117,
'shortName' => 'EST',
'offset' => '-0500'
'sslVpnAllowedFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'companyName' => 'IBM - www Account',
'isMasterUserFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'username' => '286900_thisguy@nn.ibm.com',
'pptpVpnAllowedFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'userStatus' => {
'name' => 'Active',
'id' => 1001,
'keyName' => 'ACTIVE'
'passwordExpireDate' => undef,
'address1' => '1101 Kitchawan Road',
'sms' => '',
'daylightSavingsTimeFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'officePhone' => '',
'city' => 'Yorktown Heights',
'icq' => '',
'createDate' => '2017-06-06T08:46:54-04:00',
'savedId' => '6713227',
'lastName' => 'thisguy',
'displayName' => 'CarlosF',
'secondaryPasswordModifyDate' => '2017-06-06T08:46:55-04:00',
'country' => 'US',
'modifyDate' => '2017-06-06T08:46:55-04:00',
'alternatePhone' => '',
'forumPasswordHash' => '._staIj7diist1',
'aim' => '',
'managedByFederationFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'address2' => '',
'parentId' => 151785,
'postalCode' => '10598'
This all looks good, except for the fiedl 'displayName'
I now issue the URL with a GET request:
The JSON payload returned is:
'userStatusId' => 1001,
'timezoneId' => 113,
'accountId' => 286900,
'permissions' => [
'state' => 'NY',
'secondaryLoginRequiredFlag' => undef,
'managedByOpenIdConnectFlag' => bless( do{\(my $o = 1)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
'email' => 'thisguy@nn.ibm.com',
'actionCount' => 25,
'permissionSystemVersion' => 2,
'vpnManualConfig' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
'id' => 6713227,
'secondaryPasswordTimeoutDays' => 0,
'denyAllResourceAccessOnCreateFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'secondaryLoginManagementFlag' => undef,
'firstName' => 'hello',
'localeId' => 1,
'parent' => {
'timezone' => {
'longName' => '(GMT-06:00) America/Chicago - CST',
'name' => 'America/Chicago',
'id' => 113,
'shortName' => 'CST',
'offset' => '-0600'
'sslVpnAllowedFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'companyName' => 'IBM - www Account',
'isMasterUserFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'username' => '286900_thisguy@us.ibm.com',
'pptpVpnAllowedFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'userStatus' => {
'name' => 'Active',
'id' => 1001,
'keyName' => 'ACTIVE'
'apiAuthenticationKeys' => [
'passwordExpireDate' => undef,
'loginAttemptCount' => 0,
'address1' => '2455 South Rd',
'openIdConnectUserName' => 'thisguy@nn.ibm.com',
'actions' => [
'daylightSavingsTimeFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'unsuccessfulLoginCount' => 0,
'successfulLoginCount' => 0,
'city' => 'Poughkeepsie',
'createDate' => '2017-06-06T08:46:54-04:00',
'savedId' => '6713227',
'lastName' => 'thisguy',
'displayName' => 'hellog',
'country' => 'US',
'secondaryPasswordModifyDate' => '2017-06-06T08:46:55-04:00',
'modifyDate' => '2017-06-06T08:46:55-04:00',
'apiAuthenticationKeyCount' => 1,
'forumPasswordHash' => '._staIj7diist1',
'managedByFederationFlag' => $VAR1->{'vpnManualConfig'},
'parentId' => 151785,
'postalCode' => '12601-5400'
Notice that th4e address is not the same as returned from the create and the timezone is wrong. The create ignored certain fields passed in on the create.