In a SQL Server 2008 database, I have a column with multiple values separated by semi-colons. Some values contain colons. Sample data:
key:value;key2:value;blah;foo;bar;A sample value:whee;others
A sample value:whee
I want to get all the unique values from each row in separate rows:
A sample value:whee
I've looked at various split
functions, but they all seem to deal with hard-coded strings, not strings coming from a column in a table. How can I do this?
Edit: Thomas' answer got it! Here was my final query:
With SampleInputs As
select distinct myColumn from [myDatabase].[dbo].myTable where myColumn != ''
, XmlCte As
Select Cast( '<z>' + Replace( myColumn, ';', '</z><z>' ) + '</z>' As xml ) As XmlValue
From SampleInputs As I
Select Distinct Y.z.value('.','nvarchar(max)') As Value
From XmlCte
Cross Apply XmlValue.nodes('//z') Y(z)
I'm guessing the XmlValue.nodes
and Y.z.value
stuff is magic. O_o
With SampleInputs As
Select 'key:value;key2:value;blah;foo;bar;A sample value:whee;others' As [Data]
Union All Select 'key:value;blah;bar;others'
Union All Select 'A sample value:whee'
, XmlCte As
Select Cast( '<z>' + Replace( I.[Data], ';', '</z><z>' ) + '</z>' As xml ) As XmlValue
From SampleInputs As I
Select Distinct Y.z.value('.','nvarchar(max)') As Value
From XmlCte
Cross Apply XmlValue.nodes('//z') Y(z)
Here's a version of the above that handles entities:
With SampleInputs As
Select 'key:value;key2:value;blah;foo;bar;A sample value:whee;others' As [Data]
Union All Select 'key:value;blah;bar;others'
Union All Select 'A sample value:whee'
Union All Select 'A sample value:<Oops>'
, XmlGoo As
Select Cast(
Replace( Cast( Z.XmlValue As nvarchar(max) ), '{{', '<z>' )
, '}}', '</z>')
As Xml ) As Xmlvalue
From (
Select Cast(
Select '{{' + Replace( [Data], ';', '}}{{' ) + '}}'
From SampleInputs
For Xml Path(''), type
) As Xml ) As XmlValue
) As Z
Select Distinct'.', 'nvarchar(max)')
From XmlGoo
Cross Apply XmlValue.nodes('/z') Z(data)
With a split function you use cross apply:
select distinct SS.part
from YourTable
cross apply dbo.SplitString(YourColumn, ';') as SS
Here the SplitString takes two arguments, the string column and the separator and has a column called part
where the values are returned.