Edit: added some error checking code and found error '1282' is being thrown when I do glAccum(..)
Edit2: I've tried the exact same code on a different computer, it works perfectly there.
Edit3: 'Solution' ATI HD4xxx and up cards dont support accumulation buffers anymore :*(
So it doesn't work on Windows 7 64bit with a HD4850 and up-to-date drivers It does work on Windows 7 32bit with an Intel series 4 IGP. (GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS = 16). I also tried it really really quick on a Linux based machine of which I don't know the exact specs, it worked there too. So I guess it really has todo with something in my computer :(. I dont know what though, so any tips are welcome.
Here is the original question.
I'm trying to use glAccum to generate a DOF effect, but the calls to glAccum don't seem to have any effect. I've reduced the problem to a simple test case where in a for loop I translate some spheres along the x-axis. As you can see an error is reported when I try to copy the colour buffer data to the accumulation buffer.
Additionally when I check the number of red bits available in the accumulation buffer, the result is 0. Which would mean that its not initialized?!
I've setup the display mode like this:
glClearAccum(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
So the accumulation buffer should be available.
My display method looks like this:
void display(void)
int i;
GLint test[1];
float weigth = 1.0/(float)apertureSamples;
glGetIntegerv(GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS, test);
//No errors here but the number of red bits is 0!?
for(i = 0; i < apertureSamples; i++)
glTranslatef(10*i, 0, 0);
DrawScene(); //draw a couple of spheres
//Still no errors here
glAccum(GL_ACCUM, weigth);
//If I check for errors here I get error 1282
glAccum(GL_RETURN, 1.0);
I would now expect to see a blurred trail of the spheres, moved to the right, but I don't, instead I only see the last iteration of the forloop (all the spheres translated on the x-axis by 10*appertureSamples).
To test if glAccum was doing anything at all, I've changed the weigth variable to 0.00001 which should have as affect that the each frame is drawn very 'thin' (my English vocabulary left me here). But this doesnt seem to have any affect. Then I changed glAccum(GL_RETURN, 1.0) to gl_Accum(GL_RETURN, 0.0001); which again did nothing (but should've made the entire output picture thinner.
I've followed all the steps under DOF and JITTER from here: http://glprogramming.com/red/chapter10.html and I cant find anything that I'm missing. Does anybody have any tips?
(Btw I'm doing this on a Windows 7 computer with a Radeaon HD4850 GPU).