composer network ping --card admin@blockchaingrades-network Error: Error trying to ping. Error: Composer runtime (0.19.13) is not compatible with client (0.20.0) Command failed
either downgrade your composer-rest-server version to version 0.19.13 (npm install -g composer-cli@0.19.13) or update your composer-cli version to version 0.20.0 (npm install -g composer-rest-server@0.20)
upgrading runtime to 0.20.0 may not be enough. I faced the same situation - i upgraded everything to 0.20.0 version but i still had this error. What worked for me was i had to delete all docker containers with command with command:
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
then i run script, created archive, installed and started network, imported card and pinged network to check if it works. I recommend you to use stopFabric --> teardownFabric --> teardownAllDocker scripts then remove docker containers with command above, (you can also reset docker with systemctl restart docker
command and then start everything again. In my case it helped.
As your error says you are using the composer client version 0.20.0 that is incompatible with your composer runtime version 0.19.13.
If you run composer -v
you will see v0.20.0
A solution is to uninstall the version 0.20.0 of your client and to reinstall the client 0.19.13. You can do this with the following commands:
- npm uninstall -g composer-cli
- npm install -g composer-cli@0.19.13
Worked for me (same error with client version 0.19.15 and runtime version 0.19.12)