I have employed django simple history package on the admin site to be able to track and revert to previous versions of the object of the model. I am designing a web form that allows users to change instances of the model object using model form on django and would like to allow the users to view and revert to previous versions. Also to allow them to see what are the changes compared to the current version.
With the code below I am able to get the list of historical records on my template under histoire.
class CompanyDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin,generic.DetailView):
model = Company
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(CompanyDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
company_instance = self.object
context['histoire'] = company_instance.history.all()
return context
In my template,
Previous versions:
{% for item in histoire %}
{{ item }} submitted by {{ item.history_user }} {{
item.history_object }}
{% endfor %}
But ideally I want item.history_object to be a link that users can view the previous object and be able to revert if desired.