I wanted to write a multi-statement transaction in server-side JavaScript in marklogic. What I wanted to achieve is, do an update transaction and then write a query statement which queries for the updated document and confirm that the update is visible within the transaction and finally do a rollback. By doing the rollback, I wanted to confirm that the update made within the transaction is not visible outside the transaction and it is visible within the transaction. I wrote a code both in Xquery as well as serverside JavaScript inorder to achieve this using xdmp:eval/xdmp.eval. I was able to successfully achieve it using Xquery but not in serverside Javascript.
Following is my Xquery code:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
declare option xdmp:transaction-mode "update";
let $query :=
'xquery version "1.0-ml";
xdmp:document-insert("/docs/first.json", <myData/>)
return xdmp:eval(
$query, (),
<options xmlns="xdmp:eval">
if (fn:doc("/docs/first.json"))
then ("VISIBLE")
else ("NOT VISIBLE");
Below is my serverside JavaScript code:
var query = 'declareUpdate(); xdmp.documentInsert("/docs/first.json",{"first": 1}); '
if (fn.doc("/docs/first.json"))
var result = ("visible")
else var result = ("not visible");
I am executing both these codes through Query Console. I am expecting to see the result "visible" in both cases. But when running the serverside JavaScript code, it is throwing me error: [javascript] TypeError: Cannot read property 'result' of null due to xdmp.rollback and not able see the value in variable 'result'
Can someone please correct what is going wrong in my serverside javascript code?