wpf: capturing mouse does not work

2019-08-20 23:16发布


I am developing an kind of outlook calendar application where I need to make the appointment resizable from mouse. My first try with a thumb did not work properly so I tried another way.

What I did is that:

1) on the botton of the appointmennt panel I added a rectangle to figure out the resize zone (the thumb). The appointment panel is put on a grid panel. 2) I intercept down event on the rectangle and send event to this code:

private Point startPoint;
private void OnResizeElementMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    e.Handled = true;
    this.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(ResizeEndElement_MouseMove);
    this.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnResizeElementMouseUp);
    // some code to perform new height computation

where this is the appointment panel that own the thumb.

Decreasing height works well. But increasing is more difficult. If I move the mouse very very slowly it's OK, if I speed it up a little bit it tends to leave out the appointment panel and then all MouseMove event are lost.

I thought Mouse.Capture() was propose to solve this kind of problem, but in fact not.

Does anybody know what is wrong in my code?


You should be using an actual Thumb control. Check out MSDN for help:

How to: Use a Thumb to Enable Dragging


you should use a thumb, but to play with mouse capture, override the protected override void OnLostMouseCapture(MouseEventArgs e) method, then you will know if you have lost the capture.