Multiline UILabel with UIScrollview using autolayo

2019-08-20 19:22发布


I read many post of contentview in scrollview,but the problem is slightly different.check out the image

and i have following hierarchy

Here the label is multiline label and its fill up with too many content size.
so, the problem is
1. according to the lines of the label, height of label changes and
2. accoring to height of label, contentview height changes. so, that it scrolls. and i want this things to be done with autolayout.
And one thing i want to mention is , i'm using ios 8.1 and xcode 6.1


The thing that you can use for your UILabel is -> Select your Label and go to Attributes Inspector and find Autoshrink set it as Minimum font size then you may describe your minimum font size.

For addition to your view, you may want to use constraints between your label and content view. So I recommend to use this documentation Auto Layout Guide. And if the documentation is too long to read you may read this answer.


You should add constraint to content-view as leading, trailing, top, bottom & equal width & equal height with scrollView. For imageView add constraint as leading, trailing, top & height. For the Label add constraint as leading, trailing, top & bottom, also check that you are setting no of lines to be zero. & For read more button add constraints as height, width, centre horizontally in container & bottom. Don't forget to add bottom constraint to button otherwise your scroll view does not understand its content size & you will get warning as ambiguous content size to scroll view.