For example, in Excel cells, I have these texts
A1 "Hi_how_are_you_today_?"
A2 "I_am_doing_great"
A3 "everything good at you workplace?"
A4 "Doesn't have any of these words"
I am looking for 3 words How, Great and workplace. In any cell if any of these words is found then it should return the same word, else it should a return blank value.
I was able to write this formula on Excel but it is returning #N/A error if any of these values aren't found. =IFS(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("How",A1))=TRUE,"How",ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Workplace",A1))=TRUE,"Workplace",ISNUMBER(SEARCH("great",A1))=TRUE,"great")
Can we make some changes in this formula so it will return blank if any of these is not found?