So I have this CoffeeScript (simplified to focus on the real problem)
Q = require 'q'
events = require 'events'
class SomeObj extends events.EventEmitter
constructor: () ->
setTimeout () =>
@emit 'done'
, 3000
class SomeObj2 extends events.EventEmitter
constructor: () ->
setTimeout () =>
@emit 'done'
, 50000
class Main
someObj1: null
someObj2: null
constructor: () ->
=> @task1(),
=> @task2()])
.then (results)->
console.log 'results'
console.log results
console.log 'error'
console.log error
task1: () ->
console.log 'task1 started'
defer = Q.defer()
@someObj = new SomeObj()
@someObj.on 'done', (err, data) =>
console.log 'task1 done'
defer.resolve data
return defer.promise
task2: () ->
console.log 'task2 started'
defer = Q.defer()
@someObj2 = new SomeObj2()
@someObj2.on 'done', (err, data) =>
console.log 'task2 done'
defer.resolve data
return defer.promise
main = new Main()
The output is:
[ [Function], [Function] ]
In Main::constructor
, the callbacks @task1
and @task2
doesn't seem to get called. So to be sure about this, I've had added console.log
at the top of both of them. And as they don't get printed out, I can be sure they're not called.
For testing purposes, I replaced this block
constructor: () ->
=> @task1(),
=> @task2()])
.then (results)->
console.log 'results'
console.log results
console.log 'error'
console.log error
by this block
constructor: () ->
Q.fcall () => @task1()
.then () => @task2()
.then (results)->
console.log 'results'
console.log results
console.log 'error'
console.log error
and this actually works as espected, but it's not what I want. The goal is to start task1 and 2 in parallel.
Side note: Inside the tasks, I would like to be able to use @
for member variables of Main
What's wrong?